As you see, it is hard to understand unformatted code event it is just a simple function. Here, you can see how formatting affects JavaScript code. But, for preserving simpleness of the tool, only indentation size will be available as a setting and all other parameters will be used as default. Since JavaScript has a complex structure, there are many options that must be configured while you are formatting your code. As the features, capabilities, and requests upon the application grew I eventually wrote my own diff algorithm and beautifiers for the various supported languages. Even the design and UI of the page looks okay, it doesn't mean anything without functionality. So I integrated a web-based diff tool with an existing beautifier and minifier.

Since JavaScript affects the functionality of your web application, it is not a good practice to write your code without formatting since any typo error may break your application. JavaScript is a scripting language used in web browsers to. In general, HTML and CSS codes are shorter than JavaScript if you deal with a project where there are a lot of user interaction and data state management. JavaScript Formatter is a free online tool for formatting and beautifying JavaScript code. For increasing your productivity and providing easy code management, this tool will help you as JavaScript Beautifier to arrange your code lines with a standardization. It may be a headache to read even your own code if it is not formatted properly. JavaScript is a scripting language used in web browsers to provide interaction between user and screen as well as managing data structures and data flow. JavaScript Formatter is a free online tool for formatting and beautifying JavaScript code.